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Comic Review : RICH by Mary Landro (@mlandart)

Title: RICH: The Comic

Chapters Reviewed: Prologue, Chapter #1 & #2

Creators: Mary Landro. (Instagram: @mlandart)


I stumbled upon an Instagram reel about page layout by comic artist @mlandart and was instantly captivated by the stunning artwork. This led me to discover RICH: The Comic. As part of my journey developing QissaComics, I’ve been diving into indie comics to refine my skills, and RICH was one of the first to catch my attention.

Here’s my detailed review of the prologue and the first two chapters of RICH: The Comic. The first chapter is split into two parts.


RICH introduces us to a world of monsters and mutants, where two gifted half-humans must unite to fight against the supernatural while uncovering the truths of their past and the true evil lurking in their world.

Artwork & Visual Presentation

The artwork in RICH is simply stunning, with beautiful coloring that perfectly captures the dark, gritty nature of the comic. The visual style conveys the intensity of the story, and the unique page layouts are brilliantly executed, enhancing the overall reading experience. Each page is a masterclass in how to depict scenes of fear and violence, making it a valuable learning experience for any aspiring comic creator.

My only concern was as a layman reader, while reading the digital format on Tapas, some scenes—like a simple backstab—can stretch across 10+ pages, requiring continuous scrolling, which can disrupt the reading flow. If you're curious about what happens next, you might find yourself scrolling quickly and skipping over the art; if you’re admiring the art, it can break the narrative flow, making it hard to stay immersed in the story. It could be an issue with me reading it on Tapas on a Desktop.

Verdict: 9.5/10

Writing & Storytelling

I loved the premise, and the world-building is fast-paced and beautifully executed, setting the stage for a gripping tale. The concept of the fenced city evokes strong Attack on Titan vibes, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Concepts like "The Breaking" and "The Ruined" stand out and have great recall value. However, terms like "Grifters" and "Nightlings" can sometimes feel overwhelming to keep track of. I would have liked to see more context about the City Guards, their origins, and how they fit into the story and the protagonists' journey.

Akiro's backstory is intriguing, and the fact that he dons his mother's scarf is a powerful symbol, adding emotional weight to his character. However, Nora's backstory left me wanting more. I was hoping for a more dynamic dream-to-reality transition—rather than a sudden "wake up" shout, perhaps a hint at what happened between Nora and Jean. This would have added mystery and depth to her backstory.

Overall, I’m excited about the world the creator has built. I’m eager to see how Akiro and Nora’s paths will intersect, the unfolding hierarchy of monsters, and the priest with his seemingly insurmountable power. Verdict: 8.5/10

Overall Impressions

What Works

  • Visual Appeal: The artwork stands out with its unique style and creative page layouts, perfectly capturing the comic's dark and gritty tone. The use of color and composition adds to the immersive quality of the story.

  • Compelling World-Building: The world-building is rich and imaginative, providing a strong backdrop that sets up an intriguing narrative. The introduction of unique concepts and environments adds depth and keeps the reader engaged.

  • Character Development: The comic features well-crafted characters with potential for deeper exploration. Their personal journeys and interactions hint at underlying themes that enrich the narrative.

What Doesn’t Work

  • Complex Terminology: The comic introduces numerous unique terms and lore, which can sometimes feel overwhelming and hard for readers to keep track of. However, over time, these terms may become more familiar and easier to follow.

  • Art-Heavy Pacing: In some sections, the pacing feels slow as the story unfolds gradually across multiple pages of artwork, which can make the progression feel art-heavy and less focused on narrative development.

Final Rating: 9/10


RICH: The Comic is a captivating read that draws you in with its stunning artwork and intriguing world-building. It’s clear that a lot of heart and talent have gone into crafting this story, and I’m excited to see where it goes next. I’m confident that some publisher will soon recognize its potential and pick it up. Hoping to see new chapter releases from the creator soon.

Where to Read:

Comic Credits

Creator - Mary Landro

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